Earlier this month, we dove into telltale signs you’re ready to start a business. So, what’s next? Logically, you want to set yourself up for success. You want an organized, productive routine that supports your workflow. After all, pursuing entrepreneurship isn’t a walk in the park. It comes with its own slew of obstacles, trials, and tribulations. But when our workflow is structured—and we commit to choosing courage over comfort—success is inevitable. Below are five productivity hacks for entrepreneurs.
No surprise, we’re starting with mindfulness. With a strong mindset and unwavering dedication, entrepreneurship will feel less overwhelming and more attainable. Said differently: a resilient mind will take your business far. In the Mindshine app, you can implement a “mighty morning” coaching session, “deep work routine,” or another guided activity that speaks to you. The goal is to find your sweet spot (this will likely require trial and error!). For example, you may prefer a mindfulness activity while you steep your tea. Or, you may need an afternoon pick-me-up in the form of a walking meditation. Good news—there are plenty of shorter coaching sessions when you’re pressed for time.
As an entrepreneur, thinking outside the box is a daily pursuit. Thus, it’s important to figure out when you’re most creative—when your brain is firing on all cylinders. For some, that’s early in the morning. For others, they don’t hit their stride until early afternoon. Find yours and honor it. During this time, either tackle your hardest tasks or the ones that require the most creative energy. Ultimately, one of the best things about being an entrepreneur is making your own schedule. When you know you’re most productive, hone in on those hours. Find a schedule that fits with your personality—we’re all unique!
Easier said than done. I get it. However, limiting distractions is key when it comes to productivity hacks for entrepreneurs. To start, put your phone on Do Not Disturb. Do this as frequently as necessary. When it comes to social media, turn off your notifications. Caveat: if your job requires ample time on social media, batch your social media sessions (log in 1-2x per day, rather than sporadically checking your direct messages). To take things to the next level, monitor your app usage. See precisely how much time you’re spending on social media. Likely, it will be eye-opening. Use this as a benchmark. You can also set a daily time limit!
Does your inbox need a declutter? Same. However, instilling an inbox strategy is easily one of the best things you can incorporate into a productive routine as an entrepreneur. Whether you jive with folders, labels, or any type of structure, a clean inbox is an easier-to-manage inbox. If you haven’t tried batch responding to your emails, give it a go this month. A few other tips: try Spark (to get your inbox to zero) and Leave Me Alone (to easily unsubscribe—forever—from emails). Don’t become a slave to your inbox. Make it work for you.
If you’re a people-pleaser like me, begin setting boundaries. ASAP. You’ll quickly avoid certain people, tasks, and experiences that currently cause stress. And entrepreneurship is already stressful enough! By setting boundaries, you’ll make space for more of what makes you feel grounded and inspired. When you get clear on what you’re comfortable with—and what you’re not—you’ll protect yourself from things that may cross certain boundaries. It takes practice, but standing firm to what you will (and won’t) tolerate is game-changing. I highly recommend this book to get started.
In addition to the productivity hacks above, here are a few books that have inspired my journey. I hope they provide insight and encouragement as you create the career of your dreams.
The best tools from Psychology, Neuroscience and Mindfulness in one app. Constantly adapting to you.